mandag den 30. oktober 2017

March Newsletter 1975: Track and locomotive

Over the winter month progress has been a bit slow, with the cold weather, but a few things has happened during the winter. A small canopy has been build next to the blue containers to make a bigger area to work under.

Track laying has continued and we now have track along the entire platform. Next up is ballasting. We have also acquired 3 sets of points to make a start on are future yard. At the moment we don't have any plans for the yard but a few ideas are already in the air. 

On the locomotive front the donations have been amazing and we already got enough money to buy 9509 and transport it to the railway (if you can call it that at the moment). We actually have enough money that we also have bought a brake van that will be transport along side 9509.

The new canopy along the containers. February 1975

Tracks along the the platform and future point. March 1975

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January Newsletter 1976: End year report, wagons and yard plans

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