søndag den 19. november 2017

October Newsletter 1975: Trains on the track

During August and September we have continued ballasting the track and the point has now been ballasted. We won't be laying any more track until we have a track plan for the yard. The plan is in the making, but there is still things to be decided.

We spend the rest of September and October putting our rolling stock onto the rails. We haven't started 9509 up yet, but once a bit more track has been laid, we should be able to use it to shunt future rolling stock around.

Talking of future rolling stock, we have managed to buy some not far from here, to a reasonable price and this should hopefully arrive during November.
Point ballasted. September 1975
From another angel. September 1975

Our rolling stock so far on the track. October 1975

søndag den 12. november 2017

July Newsletter 1975: Ballast

It's summer and we have all been busy mainly with ballasting the track along the platform. This takes a long time as we don't have any machines to load or move around the ballast. We have also installed a point for the yard, but this has not yet been ballasted.

The plan is to put the class 14 and the wagons on the rails before winter, but there is still a bit of work to do before this can happen. A small group of members has continued looking for future wagons and have found a few nearby that we might try to acquirer.

Plans for the yard a taking shape and we hope to have a sketch in one of the next newsletters.

Ballasted track along the platform. July 1975

Track and point not yet ballasted. July 1975

søndag den 5. november 2017

May Extra Newsletter 1975: Locomotive and Brake Van

This month we have a extra newsletter to tell you the great news that our first locomotive has arrived safely to Langdale Station. The transportation when smoothly, with no major problems. As stated in an earlier newsletter we also bought a brake van and this was transported at the same time as 9509.

They where first transported to Leeds via rail and then put onto flatbeds for the last stretch to Langdale. Both 9509 and the brake van was put on the ground at arrival as the track has not yet been ballasted.

Here is a few pictures taken of the transport.

9509 ready to depart Leeds. May 1975
9509 on the road. May 1975

The Brake van on the road. May 1975
9509 and brake van at Langdale station. May 1975

January Newsletter 1976: End year report, wagons and yard plans

It's the end of the year. Actually we are almost a month in the new year, so it's time to take a quick look back at last year. We ma...